
Posts Tagged ‘board game’

Chess09b: Playing over network (the server part)

February 18, 2014 5 comments

chess icon 72
After we have covered the client part of networking, let’s have a look at the server. It’s Python, it’s Google App Engine, it’s XML-RPC and it is very straight forward.
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Chess09: Playing over network

July 19, 2011 9 comments

chess icon 72 So far we were only able to play the game locally on a single computer. In this tutorial we add some networking features so that we can play against remote players. It might be easier than you think. The programming language is again Java. Let’s get started.
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Chess08: Implementing an AI (artificial intelligence) player

November 30, 2010 10 comments

Chess08: Implementing an AI (artificial intelligence) player
chess icon 72 Today we implement a computer player using some basic artificial intelligence concepts. We look at how to generate valid moves, how to evaluate the current game state and how to search for the best move by looking a few moves ahead. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess07: New game flow handling and AI preparation

November 25, 2010 7 comments

chess icon 72 In this article we will have a deeper look at the game flow logic and do some preparations for the next article, which will introduce a computer controlled player using artificial intelligence. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess06: Highlighting valid target locations

October 12, 2010 1 comment

chess icon 72 In this article we will have a look at how we can use the previously implemented MoveValidator to highlight valid target locations when the user starts dragging game pieces. We will also add some functionality to highlight the last executed move. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess05: Enforcing game rules

September 22, 2010 10 comments

chess icon 72 In this article we will take a closer look at enforcing game rules. Because we seperated the view logic from the game logic in one of the earlier articles, implementing rule enforcement is easier as you might think at this stage.
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Chess04: Implementing an alternative user interface

September 16, 2010 1 comment

chess icon 72 In this article we will create a console based user interface for our chess game by reusing the previously created game logic classes. The article has mainly been created to highlight one of the advantages of having the view logic seperated from the game logic. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess03: Separating view and logic

September 10, 2010 15 comments

chess icon 72 In this article we will separate the internal game logic from the user interface logic. Along the way we will have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess02: Introducing game state

August 16, 2010 1 comment

chess icon 72 In this article we will introduce the concept of a game state variable. Depending on the game state (either ‘white’ or ‘black’) the user will only be able to drag pieces corresponding to the current game state. In addition we will do some refactoring and add a button to the application to allow switching between game states. The programming language is again Java.
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Chess01: Dragging game pieces

August 10, 2010 14 comments

chess icon 72 We will start the series by implementing a little chess game. The idea is to display all the pieces and let the user drag these pieces around using his mouse. In future articles we will continue to extend this basic example by introducing more and more complex functionalities. The first article however will focus on the very basic Gui functionalities. The programming language for this series is Java.
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